@TomWellborn @skry The systemic fluoride provided by fluoridated drinking water has little positive effect wherever basic dental care regimen is maintained, and poses considerable long-term health risk to people with endocrine problems, especially hypothyroidism. Water is too vital a substance to render unusable or silently dangerous for a significant section of population by dosing it with medical or nutritional products that address questionable concerns.
@TomWellborn @skry Oh, you're absolutely right, I'm just adding that it's immediately adjacent to a *real* problem that is constantly derided as a "myth" so I'm hopeful that anyone with these sort of concerns would find the information valuable. Without that caveat, your statement could be inferred as aligning with that very popular example of misinformation that many are familiar with, much as I'm sure that's not your intention.
@bobbyd0g @skry My reference was to toothpaste, not drinking water.