Oh, and my medical testing is going very well, I'm hoping to be back to normal productivity again in a matter of weeks. And let me tell you there is a LOT to do. I can't wait to show you.

Yes, the S3 cert expired again. I'm going to catch up on the maintenance debt around here very soon.

it's fucked up that covid is so ridiculously prevalent in the US that MY shut-in family has it right now. i'd be very lucky to dodge this because it would fuck my shit up bad right now.


PSA: fandom.com runs a honeypot to trap wiki admins who try to leave Fandom.

As mentioned
in this article, you can submit a "request" to Fandom to close your wiki.

If you submit such a request, Fandom will
not close your wiki. Instead, they will
a)Remove your admin status to prevent you from deleting articles,
b)Keep a close eye on your wiki to make sure you aren't trying to migrate away from Fandom,
c)Possibly ban your account from Fandom.

are ways to essentially trick Fandom's automated system into closing your wiki. All such methods are against the rules of Fandom and rely on your wiki avoiding the notice of any human employees of Fandom.

If you want to know how I got them to close Pandora's Tale Wiki, DM me, either here or on Matrix. I don't want to post the explanation publicly in case Fandom notices and changes their system to prevent my method from working for future wikis.

Just remember, kids: It's perfectly legal for people to take your writing, code, videos, music and other works into a 'dataset' that can be used to train an LLM model to forge your art or writing style -- for money.

But if a nonprofit decides to purchase hardcopy books, scan them in, and create a digital lending program providing works to anyone who asks -- for free, that's checks notes illegal. :D

Seen a couple takes about the Hachette case along the lines of “the Internet Archive should’ve stuck to just archiving the Internet and not testing new theories of copyright” and uhhh... I’m not sure what it is you think the Internet Archive does, outside of testing new theories of copyright.


People have gotten so used to the existence of the Internet Archive’s web archive that they forget how revolutionary and subversive it is. The idea that that is somehow safe while the book lending was not is completely flawed. They were just up against a more powerful group.


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the restriction was actually 19 in NJ where I came of age but i'm trying to make a joke okay

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welp, I'm 36 now. my ability to buy cigarettes is now old enough to buy cigarettes

One o' these days we'll get hellsite up to date, but until then i'll be postin' em test toots

PSA: delete your old Photobucket account now! Don’t put it off.

You know those emails you’ve been getting for a year from Photobucket threatening to delete your old account and you were like lol who cares and ignored them?

Turns out they didn’t delete them anyway, they repurposed the business as a broker of biometric data to AI companies and they’re using your old pictures for that. You have to actually go in and delete your account to opt out, and you only have until Monday, July 22 to do it.

Tolerance is not a moral absolute; it is a peace treaty. Tolerance is a social norm because it allows different people to live side-by-side without being at each other’s throats. It means that we accept that people may be different from us, in their customs, in their behavior, in their dress, in their sex lives, and that if this doesn’t directly affect our lives, it is none of our business. But the model of a peace treaty differs from the model of a moral precept in one simple way: the protection of a peace treaty only extends to those willing to abide by its terms. It is an agreement to live in peace, not an agreement to be peaceful no matter the conduct of others. A peace treaty is not a suicide pact.

— yonatan zunger, “tolerance is not a moral precept

every time #NonbinaryPeoplesDay or another day about nonbinary stuff happens people ask what honorifics they should use for us. for me, the answer is that you should rethink everything that you use honorifics for

so which firefox fork do i recommend to people now that they're doing opt-out ad shit?

The amazing @sundogplanets has a piece in Scientific American today on SpaceX's space junk hitting a farm near hers in Saskatchewan, Canada. I'm doing a broader story on this for my newsletter/video this week, but please do read this because it's good and important.


#space #nasa #spacex #spaceflight

I really hate the term “side-loading.” We shouldn’t need a word for the normal way we’ve been installing apps for the past 40 years. If tomorrow Apple decided they were going to start only letting you visit web pages they approved of, we wouldn’t call some sort of alternating system that let you see *the rest of the fucking internet* “side-paging”. We’d instead call the whole thing bullshit.

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The hell site