Yes, apparently Mammothfor iOS 2.0 just came out, and though it has a drafts feature now, posts that encounter an error still vanish irretrievably. Tooot instead stops and sends you back to the editing screen.

Have you ever seen a product's pricing structure just screaming at you, "PIRATE ME INSTEAD! PIRATE ME!!!" The fuck do I have to wait thirty days for? I hate Amazon but Audible appears to be the only game in town to find the audiobooks you actually intend to read. I want to read like 5-10 a month...

Trial run completed ... ~80 more to go.

Protip: Don't collect computers

The state of Israel is now advertising on YouTube to propagate blood libels upon Palestinians in the hope of softening US response to the genocide they intend to now complete. In it, this man stops just short of accusing Gaza of mass gang rape. There is notably no method provided to "report" the ad as is typically available. The slogan below their official seal demonstrates just how incredibly normal this state-market interaction really is! Notably, Putin failed to land the same narrative.

Today is the fiftieth anniversary of the CIA-led coup that killed the democratically-elected Chilean President Salvador Allende. An accomplished medical doctor and democratic socialist, Salvador dared to match the people's fervor in challenging the American capital interests expropriating the value of their home land.

So we killed him -- and it's taken this long for the people of Chile to finally overturn the constitution of the murderous fascist dictatorship that followed.


iMac G5s of both sizes (shown) develop these cracks just sitting there on the shelf, with little UV exposure and only mild temperature fluctuation. Same with clamshell iBooks. These were the two that survived a shelving collapse years ago with no such injury!

These ideas are ludicrously out of date. The idea that "somebody" needs to do any "sifting" for our world's near-inescapable new mass surveillance regime to be effective is total nonsense, especially in the face of new AI technologies that will allow the unskilled (e.g. even individual shitty cops) to make use of huge search & stat engines on multiple dragnet information sources. No mention of private communications here, just blaming activists for what is really a software vacuum. A real shame.

Interesting that Mastodon for iOS does the right thing putting the alt text entry field front and center like so many clients should, and yet I can't figure out how the hell to actually **read or hear** alt text in posts. I can't display it onscreen from taps, long-taps, or the ellipsis menu, and the iOS screen reader doesn't read it, instead saying, "Show Image".

I understand why lefties want to unreservedly mock the reactionary cultural phenomenon, but that does more harm to disabled people, to vegans' ideas and praxis, and to people's understanding of their own bodies than it will ever do to Jordan Peterson.

If you closely analyze the human GI tract and primate evolution, it's clear that we are physiologically carnivores w/adaptations. We have none of the structures of ruminant species. Mocking simple recipes demonstrates ignorance of basic nutrition.

If only I could split into like five people, there's so much I could accomplish. As it is, all the tasks are stuck in the door like Mr. Burns's germs, and so I get done less than one person's share :D

I forgot to post what is perhaps the most ominous that crossed my feed

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Look me in the eye and tell me this person has a pattern of good-faith collaborative public safety work that you feel confident lending your name to support in public. Please. Not just reblogs, not toeing the line. Please explain to me how the pattern here is healthy, and why you're so sure it won't come around to hurting you. Are you comfortable with building a precedent that powerful instance coalitions with figureheads like these should micromanage your every moderation or policy decision?

Excuse me dear retailer, what you have here is "a giant pile of high-effort, low-density steel scrap"

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Wow, it's almost like just dumping shit in a hashtag was never a solution for literally any problem at all. I'm glad we're taking such a rigorous, sustainable ethic to a discursive space that determines whether entire communities of people get fucking excommunicated from the Internet.

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The hell site