
These ideas are ludicrously out of date. The idea that "somebody" needs to do any "sifting" for our world's near-inescapable new mass surveillance regime to be effective is total nonsense, especially in the face of new AI technologies that will allow the unskilled (e.g. even individual shitty cops) to make use of huge search & stat engines on multiple dragnet information sources. No mention of private communications here, just blaming activists for what is really a software vacuum. A real shame.

also the assumption that you have to do stuff to get in trouble

like, cops shot that protestor in january and now they're trying to charge everyone else who was there with his death

@saddestrobots I hardly need to point out the irony that this person is criticizing activists while not only not having done the thing they demand others do, but not even reading about how those efforts have already forever been frustrated. Maybe they caught a glimpse of "the point of COINTELPRO was to convince you all your friends are feds" and saw fresh open revelation rather than a narrow and somewhat stale perspective on an ongoing dialectic.

@saddestrobots The way people who've done literally nothing but mind their own business found themselves treading on the wrong toes. The way individuals today with no life enough to drag them elsewhere will seek to abuse and even frame you for crimes to see if the police will obligingly and deniably murder you on their behalf. The way somebody can just call a "mental health crisis" on you and if you decline to admit state agents into your home, you're "barricaded"

also the lesson of the no-fly list &c. isn't that the state is omniscient, it's that it can make a thousand people ruin your life because a computer told them to with very little regard for why your name is in the computer

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