
I understand why lefties want to unreservedly mock the reactionary cultural phenomenon, but that does more harm to disabled people, to vegans' ideas and praxis, and to people's understanding of their own bodies than it will ever do to Jordan Peterson.

If you closely analyze the human GI tract and primate evolution, it's clear that we are physiologically carnivores w/adaptations. We have none of the structures of ruminant species. Mocking simple recipes demonstrates ignorance of basic nutrition.

Of course the recipes are simple. Herbivores have to eat a diverse diet if they are to obtain sufficiently broad nutrition, while carnivores just eat the herbivores that already collected all the various resources in the environment. This is why claims of deficiencies among meat eaters are largely mythical. The recipes are also simple because many dieters undertook carnivory after plant-based food made them chronically very ill. For some, the "balanced diet" is unsurvivable. Ask me how I know!

Can we pursue a greater justice -- inclusive of the herbivorous animals I am entirely forced to eat every day -- without completely erasing disabled people yet again? Can my own distress and motivation to stop living as a horrifying predatory monster be enough, and not also flippantly trashable such that we reinforce capitalist medicine's decades-old profitable false notions of how our digestive systems function? Wh -- Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your dunk on lab-grown meat. Carry on…

i think most people involved in this discourse aren't vegan or vegetarian — they're meat-eaters poking at the ways that Meat Guy culture involves embracing really tortured ideas of how to select meat (e.g. destroying pricey cuts of beef when they could just get cube steak or tips for the intended use), how to flavor it, or how to prepare it safely

@saddestrobots Not implying they are vegan, but the myths affect vegan praxis. Even in the rare cases where I've seen somebody focus correctly on those critiques, it's almost always set in context that ridicules and dismisses the very concept of not eating plants, as if a dismissable concern that only possesses narcissistic morons. This goes all the way from armchair animal liberators on Twitter to doctors who insist I must be lying because I wouldn't survive for years on this diet.

ah, right, the whole "it's easy! just [some nutritional advice that is very elaborate and very wrong]" dance

that's kinda the same thing as the Meat Guys on some level imo

@saddestrobots This precisely. After voicing these critiques in public I usually get a volley of generous corrections from nutritional experts, I mean people with basic common sense, I mean insulin-hocking randos chomping statins & xylitol. Clearly I don't know my own lifelong struggle! I certainly wouldn't commit rigorous, God-fearingly, self-accountably critical research to things that nearly kill me, especially when it clashes so desperately with my openly-held ethical convictions

@saddestrobots Anyway I'm done bitching, thanks (or sorry?) for the opportunity. lmao

i appreciate being able to read your thoughts on this! ty!

@saddestrobots (Not to shut it down, I should say I'd be thrilled to continue discussing any time now or later, just easy to assume my stuff can be a bit Much on the microblogging website ;)

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