Look me in the eye and tell me this person has a pattern of good-faith collaborative public safety work that you feel confident lending your name to support in public. Please. Not just reblogs, not toeing the line. Please explain to me how the pattern here is healthy, and why you're so sure it won't come around to hurting you. Are you comfortable with building a precedent that powerful instance coalitions with figureheads like these should micromanage your every moderation or policy decision?

I'm shitting myself posting this even without any relevant "guilt" to speak of. I have literally no userbase here on Hellsite, and I'm exactly as racist as any other white person on Earth is fated to be despite even the utmost possible effort or insight. But I've had some experience with abuse in my life and I know what I'm seeing here. Grievous accusations built on flippant, wildly reductive second-order conclusions should throw off red flags for anyone. This can't be how we redistribute power.


I forgot to post what is perhaps the most ominous that crossed my feed

@bobbyd0g Finally, I can check if my administrators have been catalogued in the Bad Warehouse as administrated by Judge

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