This summer I went temporarily blind when my eye muscles went to hell from doing close work. (Limit your phone time especially, people, but computer screens are almost just as bad) I have good reason to believe that as a result I'll never get to be a decent software developer even if I really wanted to. So this project I started was always going to need your help… at least eventually.

@bobbyd0g I'm surprised that hasn't happened to me with how unhealthy my screentime use is. Even more motivation to change my habits.


@conte I've gone years spending 20-40hrs/week using my phone, and this summer I developed severe monocular double vision in both eyes. It took a full month of completely banning the phone from my vision, and later barely using a computer screen for a couple hours a day max, for it to begin to recede. It was not helped by a bad glasses Rx this spring. New glasses have allowed me to withstand at least several hours of screen time per day, but it hurts and it won't last.

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