I'm over forced air heating. I shouldn't need to physically peel my eyelids from my corneas every morning.


@janusfox Our climate gets dry as hell in the winter regardless of heating method, the effect on my (Sjogren's & Raynaud's) hands and skin was agony. I eventually gave in and got some 5 gallon Bemis / EssickAir evaporative humidifiers. Don't know what I'd do without them now

@bobbyd0g A youtuber I watch has that and seeing her fingers turn blue like that is scary hah. Sorry you have to deal with that!

@janusfox I'm grateful I've only experienced mild versions of these things. In fact, they've subsided to a large extent after changes in my diet and endocrine balance. But winter remains only barely tolerable spent indoors for me. Next year I'll drag the trailer south to beat it!

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