
I've been grateful that New Jersey doesn't fluoridate its water because I have a history of endocrine problems and systemic fluoride stresses the thyroid. Moving to a state that fluoridates will mean I need to either drink exclusively bottled water or buy an expensive filtration system -- unless I want to risk going back into hypothyroidism after years healed from it.

And let me tell you, folks, reading a list of symptoms for endocrine problems might bore you to death, but the reality of these conditions affect absolutely every part of your body and your life; their descriptions sound vague because they're extremely difficult to even identify, never mind to treat. Respect your endocrine system -- its balance is delicate beyond words and we still barely even understand it yet.

@bobbyd0g I would much rather apply it to my teeth than drink it.

@bobbyd0g I knew about the concerns with bone brittleness and the disproportionate doses for babies, but I didn’t know about thyroid issues. If you have some references, please share. My whole fam is hypothyroid except for me.

@skry I've seen studies supporting and rejecting effects on rate of diagnosis, but this is probably the closest I've found to describing effects on people who do have hypothyroidism. The qualification of iodine deficiency is informative, but really doesn't mitigate the situation in the United States where even many thyroid patients are unlikely to supplement or test for iodine.

@bobbyd0g Interesting, thanks. Many adults in the US are supposedly iodine deficient these days because of the increasing trend of non-iodized salt use.

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