the only problem is that as far as I know, anyone who possesses your genetic material in or on some object handled in the course of business, without a specific disclaimer, is often perfectly free to do forensic analysis on it. And in some US states like Texas, last I checked, police are often able to draw blood during detention without alcoholic probable cause, etc. Genetic data is not easily kept secret but people deserve the privacy of many impracticalities of extracting it.
the only problem is that as far as I know, anyone who possesses your genetic material in or on some object handled in the course of business, without a specific disclaimer, is often perfectly free to do forensic analysis on it. And in some US states like Texas, last I checked, police are often able to draw blood during detention without alcoholic probable cause, etc. Genetic data is not easily kept secret but people deserve the privacy of many impracticalities of extracting it.