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dealing with forums that locked attachments behind login was the 2000s version of having to join a discord server for documentation

@saddestrobots Dozens of calls per day here between my two phones. They spoof all familiar local numbers so if you reply txt or call back you reach a confused local. Sometimes the autodialers will screw up and actually just directly connect one confused local to another, forced to negotiate the fact that neither had just called the other. It's been whitelist time for a while now and I'm barely holding out.

Cool how the public switched telephone network is fucking pwned and nobody is going to fix it.

I go to so much trouble to keep myself out of trouble and it's just no use.

kind of surprised to say that if there's one reason I don't associate with The Fandom any more it's because it is intensely, belligerently, ubiquitously acephobic

I've been blessed with so much support over the years, and yet whenever things in my life get extra fucked up, I disappear. I don't want to ask for help, hell I don't even want to bother anybody with whatever the story is this time. But the worse things get, and the longer, the more I've ultimately turned my back on everyone.

If this latest hell wasn't guaranteed to be over next week, some way or another, idk what I'd do with myself. after rattling around the can being kicked for literal years.

All you really need to innately understand this is to experience a close relationship with someone where you can't figure out how to stop hurting each other because you both/all have problems that interlock -- which can be as simple as having trust issues after being senselessly betrayed too many times. Much of these phenomena beget themselves in the world.

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In other words, analysis of abusive behavior should open our minds to the dialectical inputs and outputs rather than to begin stacking ammunition to make relativistic judgments and erase the disfavored actor and their motives. That's not what stops cycles and ubiquitous social power dynamics.

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There is absolutely no intention required to abuse somebody. In fact, abuse is rarely intentional. Sometimes it is tolerated, excused, or even thoroughly facilitated by the victim. We all owe each other greater consideration of the material realities of our engagements, and concomitantly a more nuanced and versatile concept of "abuse" that discards today's typical upfront assumptions about a given relationship, and frequently declines absolute individual judgment on disparate elements of a cycle

New-ish Asus routers seem to enable "Yandex.DNS" by default. This forwards all of your DNS lookups to Yandex, a large Russian search engine. I discovered this on my dad's router when he had troubles accessing his bank from his broadband but not on his phone. (Presumably, the bank geoblocked Russian IPs as a protest to the invasion of Ukraine.)

I get that you need to trust someone with your DNS lookups (your ISP, Google, Cloudfare, etc), but I didn't expect the non-ISP option to be the default...

Check your router!

#security #privacy

Trial run completed ... ~80 more to go.

Protip: Don't collect computers

(Real heads know the latter describes the setting of a failed cancellation campaign against me when I thought it was disgusting and pointless to seriously or even flippantly entertain the imbecilic concept of "race war", especially propagandizing in public… the most popular Twitter "antifascists" actually really suck with shocking uniformity)

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So many people boosting Gwen "the Chapo to Fash Pipeline grifter" Snyder on this platform… people sure do forget things quickly. Next thing you know we'll see Twitter's "sextoyspolitics" rise up on a wave of HOA-style cancellations and finally bring about "angryblkhoemo"'s hotly anticipated "race war".

I wish people would get past grieving the effectiveness of the state to fetter capital and start building our own stuff instead. That function is not coming back; it's up to us now.

Hell week begins. When it's over, I can finally get back to work on what matters

@jackofalltrades @escarpment @magitweeter

Capitalism is *ideologically* predicated on the idea that it consists of nothing more than free individuals voluntarily engaging in production and exchange using their private property.

The sleight of hand is that “private property” is a property mode that has only ever existed, and can only exist, as a product of state violence. Landlords can only extract rent from their tenants because that landlord can call up sheriff’s deputies to evict those tenants into homelessness, and all of the harms that entails, at gunpoint.

So we end up with constant, massive state intervention in the economy on behalf of capital owners—police who protect private property, registrars who survey and record ownership rights, courts that adjudicate those rights, copyrights and patents and trademarks, banks deputized to monopolize money production, direct state subsidies and indirect tax subsidies, zoning laws and licensing regimes that create barriers to market entry, enclosure of commons, debtors prisons, etc etc forever—which all becomes invisible as “state involvement” or “central planning.” So when we debate “state intervention,” we end up debating only those instances where the state intervenes to temper the worst excesses of the capital class.

Time for DNS to propagate normally: a couple minutes, go make a cup of coffee or something

Time for DNS to propagate after fixing a typo in a record: The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again

We definitely need to build more tools for publicly accountable collaboration in online community moderation, but shared blocklists are anything but this. I don't support those projects and none of mine will implement that uniformly perilous convention.

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The hell site