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LB/LRT: Mastodon is another federated network run by all of us, and that's why we need to build integral community strong enough to both support each other and hold each other accountable, as well as making zero-trust implements available to users wherever appropriate such as end-to-end encryption, which Hellsite does by providing access to the Matrix chat network to supplement the very not-private implementation of Mastodon DMs.

This took care of integrity, but not privacy. We mostly just pretended that sysadmins, sysops, and other people who *could* peek at our data "on the wire" *wouldn't*, even though we knew that, at least some of the time, this was going on. The fact that the people who provided communications infrastructure had a sense of duty and mission didn't mean they wouldn't spy on us - sometimes, that was *why* they peeked, just to be sure that we weren't planning to mess up "their" network.


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Worked out how to make a little mastodon redirect service with Lambda@Edge #code

i was wondering how i could delete all of my tweets, so that mr. musk could not use them for ad revenue.

and, as usual, @caarlos0 has already come up with a solution:

full text search let places like fruit cultivators build dossiers on trans people.

i notice it is cis people advocating hardest for full text search. if you don’t know what it’s like to fear having your whole life upended by some detail you tweeted out 5 years ago that leads to doxxing then don’t.

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@Robminchin One specific thing I've noticed every Black person say does not work for them is being asked to put a content warning on "political" toots. So unfortunately when you're a person of color, your life is political, and we don't appreciate being told to hide the way we're mistreated as this is a form of tone policing.

I'm concerned that I keep seeing Black people say that they've found Mastodon worse than Twitter for white supremacy. Being white, I don't have this directed at me personally, but it seems that a lot of moderation is aimed at enforcing civility rather than preventing racism. Is the Fediverse creating a classic 'white liberal' space where all ideas are allowed as long as they are expressed politely, no matter that that makes it unwelcoming to minorities?

Hey if anyone has #PeerTube (video hosting on the fediverse) questions, I've been a user and admin since 2018 and I'm happy to help if I can.

SSTV MP115 Image received on 7.171 MHz LSB at 2022-11-10 01:35:12 UTC
#sstv #MP115 #7171

The PeerTube - Twitch simulstreams I do will make more sense once I can get the chats linked together...

Dear friends, please make sure you've 2-Factor Authentification (2FA) activated in your Mastodon settings!

Apparently bad actors recognized Mastodon and the Fediverse as valuable target and started attacking the network. So make sure to use a strong password, at least 13 characters long! #security

When I joined Mastodon, everyone was saying “just pick a server (instance) it doesn’t really matter which one.” I saw Universeodon and thought “hey, that sounds cool!” Turns out it’s literally for people who love planets and space! 😂 Oops!!

I stand by my choice 🌏💫💀🖤

i logged on to the world wide web to find out how the american elections went and even like google news is just like yelling and no information

I've got trust issues. We all do. Some infosec pros go so far as to say #TrustNoOne, a philosophy more formally known as #ZeroTrust, that holds that certain elements of your security should *never* be delegated to *any* third party.

The problem is, it's trust all the way down. Say you maintain your own cryptographic keys on your own device. How do you know the software you use to store those keys is trustworthy? Well, maybe you audit the source-code and compile it yourself.


Hey if you put together a space that is cop-friendly

You just built a queer-hostile space

meta + 

i appreciate how mastodon gives you way more options for avoiding people

This list of #journalists on Mastodon has absolutely taken on a life of its own. 🔥

It's now grown to over 540 journalists and shows no signs of stopping. I do quality control and check it every day to clean up.

Journalitsts on Mastodon Form to Sign Up:

Current full list:

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The hell site