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i dunno what to tell the whole "trust free" crowd except that every act of running computer software is a delegation which requires trust

Just as our adversaries seek to take and twist our language, they seek to inject some of their own, seeding ideologically pre-compromised ideas, understandings, and discourses from within. Don't be fooled.

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A reminder that there is NO SUCH THING as "detransitioning" -- you cannot undo something that already happened, you can only transition again. And it's perfectly normal for someone's gender to change many times, or even continuously, throughout their lifetime. The "detransitioner" is a hideous, opportunistic political invention that must be repelled at a fundamental level.

Attendance in school is mandated by law; as such, lunch should be provided for the kids. Name any other situation where state or federal government compels someone to be present for 4 or more hours and does not provide nourishment, or compensation and time to procure nourishment.

Robin Sloan's essay "A Year of New Avenues" about the end of the big social media platforms and the start of a new era of experimentation on the web is genuinely inspiring. Also I'm a little jealous I didn't write it.

upgrading my notion of fossbros from "annoying" to "threat" every time they try and claim basic tenets of mutual aid as some kind of computer guy achievement Who knows if this man worked on the very implements those sick agents used to dupe and control activist women for years at a time? Regardless, every cop's hands are soaked in blood and this is unacceptable.

Show thread Who knows if this man worked on the very implements those sick agents used to dupe and control activist women for years at a time? Regardless, every cop's hands are soaked in blood and this is unacceptable.

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For to announce proudly they've hired a surveillance cop from the UK -- the same UK police known for multiple incidents of undercover agents infiltrating activist orgs under such deep cover they actually married, raped, and had children with targets -- is a shockingly unnecessary shot in the foot for a company whose product you simply cannot find even if you wanted one. This cat is out of the bag; the combative response telegraphs ideological consistency.

waddling into a room filled with anarchists and communists and taking out my megaphone: HEY FOLKS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS GUY WE JUST HIRED? HE DID 15 YEARS OF SURVEILLANCE FOR POLICE IN THE UK, ISN'T THAT COOL?

discussion of violent political action 

“The breakfast is in the punch” really resonated. Not everyone can or should be a front line fighter against fascism. A whole system of support infrastructure and people is needed as well.

Apparently is back up without Slaanesh as a mod. I understand that some folks seem to think i will be unhappy with this outcome, but in fact i am THRILLED. The other eightpoint mods can, if they wish, attest that i spoke to them yesterday abt exactly that.

(I am less thrilled about some of the content on eightpoint about the whole thing right now, and about the All Transness Plunged Into War feeling, and about @atax1a having been thrown under the bus. But the survival and safety of eightpoint was ALWAYS a major concern of ours.)

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Let me just throw one more "Yup" on the pile about LB. The history goes back about fifteen years and she is very much a "DROP & RUN" sort of figure. I'm sorry to hear yet another community is torn apart by this trashbag asshole.

For years, the FBI targeted ecological activists as their #1 priority. This is one of the chief reasons environmental devastation has continued unchecked.

Seventeen years ago today, on December 7, 2005, the FBI opened a new phase of its assault on earth and animal liberation movements with the arrests and indictments of a large number of activists. This became known as the Green Scare.

You can read about it here:

In a text published today, one of the defendants, Daniel McGowan, recalls his arrest and first night in jail:

Please boost if you’re still masking indoors (in public places)

Amazing how all the work needed to do to resolve muscular back pain is all extremely uncomfortable (like, "will I need a hospital today?" uncomfortable) until you're completely done stretching *everything*. Every component is connected to the next one, and success in each area makes the next remaining unstretched muscle tighter. You can't half-ass it, or you'll shortly discover a new hell. Much easier with the help of a physical therapist

Far beyond the “ethics” of feeding existing artists’ work to a machine learning algorithm that spits out generated/ugly “art,” people should
1) understand those “fun” tools (Lensa, Dall-E) are propaganda/sanitizing tools for the AI used to, you know, aid police and military operations
2) understand that AI as an industry has been funded and pushed by researchers with financial ties to, for example, Blackrock.

addendum: the university-based research labs on AI or AI ethics are invested in the ongoing gentrification of their university towns, and happily participate in the MIC (of course) by taking that money, developing and researching tools later used to subjugate everyone. The apps that are understood as exploitative of independent artists are not simply exploitative of the illustrator online, but have been exploitative at ALL levels, across ALL dimensions, in serve of US empire and white supremacy.

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The hell site