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Be careful y'all, be nice to her or she might expose the mastodon to fascist pipeline!!

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Don't look now, the cops and the creeps and the climbers are starting to show up! 🤑🤑🤑

LB: Sure, it sounds probable, but this is not a drill; literal Abu Ghraib torturers on staff at Activision-Blizzard

Call of Duty is a government psyop: These documents prove it

A close inspection of Activision Blizzard’s key staff and their connections to state power, and documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal that Call of Duty is a carefully constructed piece of military propaganda, designed to advance the interests of the US national security state.

If you cannot tell the difference between journalists using public data to hold the powerful accountable and law enforcement demanding people's private data because they think they might be bad guys, I don't know what to tell you. These are fundamentally different things.

Producing Transdermal Estrogen: A Do-It-Yourself Guide

In this report, a small collective details how they produced and distributed transdermal estrogen using reproducible do-it-yourself methods. This is an experiment aimed at securing the agency and autonomy of everyone who seeks gender self-determination.

Unredacter: Shows you why y should never ever ever use pixelation as a redaction technique ..


A #train that runs on 100% wind power, at a #station that runs on 100% sun power, fed by a #bike that runs on 100% leg power.

The technology needed for a better #mobility future isn’t waiting to be discovered by corporations; it exists and is waiting to be discovered by politicians.

@researchfairy I saw some journo call that a canary in a coalmine and I can't not feel bitter about how they've ignored every red flag about Elon, like when his daughter's coming-out catapulted him fully into being an all-out nazi, and only start getting upset when it impacts them. Fuck them, it's not like we didn't see this coming and warned about it.

first they came for the immigrants, but i didn't care, because those people cause a lot of problems and they're unclean and strange

then they came for the homeless, but i didn't care, because i like my cities clean and they could just get a job, really what's so hard about that

then they came for the pregnant, but i didn't care, because men like me can always get their girlfriend's one if needed

then they came for the trans people, but i didn't care, because frankly they're sort of weird and just a fad and we're just indulging them and their wacko doctors

then they came for the permanently disabled, but i didn't care, because i was in good health and they should just stay at home or eat healthier

then they came for the journalists, and i wrote an op-ed titled “first they came for the journalists”

— liberal journalists

You can, however, link to a website with a <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL='<mastodon link here>'" /> tag in the HTML header or use a JavaScript redirect.

This works because Twitterbot doesn't interpret HTML, so doesn't know that the 200 page causes the client to redirect.


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Kid programming question: the 15 y/o has been learning JavaScript at school using as a game engine and now wants to graduate to “real programming.” I think he still mostly wants to write games, just more powerful ones. Any suggestions where to go next that *isn’t* too painful?

FYI: Musk's arbitrary suspensions didn't start today. He has accepted requests from some of the worst far-right folks to ban anti-fascist and anarchist individuals and publications.

The most notable of these include @CrimethInc, an anarchist collective that does dangerous and evil things such as .... publishing an online library:

@micahflee (who's among the folks suspended today for mentioning @elonjet) covered these suspensions here:

In case you missed it, a publication that _was_ suspended today is @igd_news, which is another highly notable anarchist, anti-fascist and anti-capitalist publication that's been around for many years.

I'm pointing this out because this is no less worthy of attention than prominent WaPo and NYT account suspensions (which may well be reversed) -- arguably more so, because most folks don't know these anarchist publications and won't notice them getting suspended.

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Protocols, not platforms. That we let ourselves get suckered into platforms over protocols is one of the biggest unforced errors in the history of the net, and if Musk makes that widely obvious, it will be a significant silver lining in his sophomoric conflagration.

You can go ahead without the resistor delete and only disable the card in the OS to prevent its reinitialization, but one wrong move that reinitializes it will rebrick the laptop -- and there's always the risk of it becoming too inoperable then to even power on correctly

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If you still happen to have a MacBook Pro with a dead Radeon 67xx chip, you might be pleased to know there is a fix now. All it takes is an EFI string entered in single-user mode -- which you can often do without video if necessary -- and the 67xx will be disabled, allowing use of the healthy 9400 IGP instead. If you also delete a resistor from the board, the fix is permanent. The only ongoing stipulation is that you must prevent PRAM resets, by password-protecting it to avoid mistakes.

[ mastodon exclusive content ]

the orange dog — whom u might recall from the taco incident — is fucked up and has to go into the shop next week to get his liver retooled or drained or w/e

Fun fact: the MP3 file format is as old today as 8-track tapes were when MP3 was invented

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The hell site