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This technology has been around for awhile, but pretty interesting that you scientists have figured out how to reconstruct a room based on the reflections in the image of someone's eyes (assuming high enough resolution). Serious sci-fi movie stuff. (so, take a photo of someone and you can -- if it has enough resolution -- zoom into their eye and see everything they can see, even things behind the camera). Imagine a video/photo of a hostage, or the spokesperson for a terrorist group... or even just a scene from a movie. (neural radiance field (NeRF) technology) #computing #nerf

@jalefkowit there has never been a day when I have been more pessimistic about the betrayed promise of technology than the day when my kid showed me 100 black rectangles in their iPad photo library, the result of trying to screenshot their favorite part of Bluey on Disney+. I had to explain what HDCP was, and as I did, I could see their future reflected in their eyes, a battleground littered with broken T-1000 terminators, all adorned with the logos of various studio-specific streaming services

I don't know why I have to tell people "don't use the browser which is also a crypto scam and run by a famous homophobe" but apparently I do. Don't use Brave.

I am finally out of the hospital and it's ... straight up raining into the hotel room thru the ceiling lmfao ... i can not get a break

You should stop using Google Chrome. The company is following through on its threat to ban the ad/tracker blockers that a) help protect your privacy and b) make your web experience much more pleasant.

Israeli Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel stated in an opinion piece in the Jerusalem Post that the crisis in Gaza was an opportunity to transfer the entire population of Gaza elsewhere. The Israeli government have distanced themselves from her remarks.

As this is at least the 4th Minister whose remarks the Israeli government has had to publicly distance themselves from, Israeli journalists are beginning to notice a pattern. If they don't speak for the Israeli government, who does?

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"In Israel, if the Intelligence Minister calling for population transfer does not represent the government, and the Agriculture Minister calling for a second Nakba does not represent the government, and the Financial Minister who wants to resettle Gaza does not represent the government, and the 'Bomb Boy' Heritage Minister, who doesn't care if they drop an atomic bomb on Gaza, does not represent the government– who is the government???"

Nurit Canetti,
Israeli Journalist.

Answering my own question: a folding tricycle scooter, which looks nothing like what I imagined such a thing ( if it existed which I now know it does) would look like.

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SCOOP: An obscure White House program surveilling over a *trillion* US call records each year is under fire. Sen. Wyden is challenging its legality, urging DOJ to stop prohibiting him from disclosing info he says will "outrage" Congress.

"I have cochlear implants and I can only buy parts to fix them or upgrade then from 1 #corporation bc of tech exclusivity. upgrades to get new processors for both ears cost $23k & insurance only covers 90% (and it’s “good” insurance)"

#Cyberpunk #dystopia is already here for the disabled.

#classwar #eattherich #ausgov #auspol #tasgov #taspol #politas

People consider me such a stickler for avoiding #Google #Chrome all these years. Don't whine to me when you see AI adding bias to it's inaccurate article summaries all while more deeply processing and selling data of everything you're interested in...

And I'll say it once again, nearly every browser that isn't #Firefox, Safari or like I dunno the #Kagi browser (based on Safati) is just #Chromium under the hood. Careful out there.

@mathowie Sadly, they are known for it.

> All 25 car brands we researched earned our *Privacy Not Included warning label -- making cars the official worst category of products for privacy that we have ever reviewed.

your regular reminder that every time you complain about "everything being a spoken tutorial now" somebody with vision impairment is learning something they couldn't before

Bear in mind that I've only been on them a week here for an emergency; somebody who's taken them longer will typically wean off for months at a time to be safe. A few years ago, after ~15mo of daily 2x 0.5 Xanax began to yield severe interdose-withdrawal panic attacks, I used CBD to safely discontinue over about three weeks with no interruption in anxiety relief. I really can't speak highly enough of the anxiolytic power of cannabidiol, and wish I never let my supply run out (haven't needed it!)

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Benzodiazepines, especially short-acting ones, are profoundly dangerous if mishandled. It's important for people to understand their rapid addiction takes an opposite character to opioids -- it's not overdose, but too-rapid withdrawal that kills people.

Better than nothing when you're stuck in a hospital panicing, though. I'll get off them relatively expediently just the same way I did last time: with CBD. Yes; you'd be amazed just how effective CBD is to ease such a typically precarious thing.

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The hell site