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Every moment is forever. Thank you Grandma. It's only hard to conceive of a world without you because you made it impossible; this world will never be the same as it was before you arrived. I only wish I had more time to try to describe what an indelible impact you've made.

I love you Grandma. I miss you so much already. I promise I will find a way to carry forward your pride and legacy, in me and in all of us. Thank you for everything.

What do you do with old work shirts? Burn em?

Disappointed to learn Cohost has been started by people from the fediverse. You know what the fediverse is but you learned the wrong lessons from it. Yes, I also think some servers are not operated professionally and blocks often get misused, but that is not a reason to replace a free and open system with a locked down one. I wrote on why decentralization matters back in 2018:

Moments in healing trauma:

Grinning, realizing I don't even remember that motherfucker's name!

I could go on, and on, and on, but who cares? 🎵

I may be giving away more of my collection than I anticipated. I don't have time to sell. :\ I just want them to go someplace they'll be historically appreciated and used productively

Kind of amazing how many people will (perhaps unwittingly) actually condition friendship on whether you're willing to use a disgusting corporate manipulation ** er, i mean "social media" website. I want to be friends with X but they refuse to interact anywhere but Twitter or Facebook; sites that quite literally hurt to use... Sorry, I guess we can't be friends?

I understand that "panic attack" is an easy way to discharge somebody from the hospital, but I worry that every time that summary shows up on my records, they'll take my reporting less and less seriously -- despite any panic response having repeatedly originated from a real, terrible, and dangerous gastrointestinal problem they can't be expected to meaningfully observe.

Tears of relief pour from my eyes today. It's been a very long week. I'm fine after visiting the hospital twice, and my grandma has bested another challenge in recovery after cancer surgery. My gratitude is inexpressible. Not "out of the woods" yet -- perhaps we never leave the woods in this life -- but I have to figure out how to breathe *sometime*.

Those who cheer on yet another bust cycle for crypto markets (what, you really think it's "dead"? Aren't casinos still around?) fail to recognize they are watching the process of capital accumulation. It's not the big fish losing money, they're the ones BUYING all the discounted sales by panicked individuals. When you see the headline, "Crypto billionaires lose hundreds of millions!" did the first two words slip by unnoticed? They are way, WAY up to begin with. These sales feed the next cycle.

Nothing like seeing an icon missing from your iOS home screen and not remembering what it was. I get to wonder if my head is playing tricks on me, I moved something by accident, or Apple yanked an app

I realize that, if I could just do whatever I wanted right now, it'd be playing drums. It's been ten years already since I had anything to play on. I'm thinking one of these little fold-up Carlsbro kits is in my future.

Very good read from Cory Doctorow (@pluralistic) on Apple being its beyond-control-freakish self and it's starring role on trying to kill the #RighttoRepair movement.

It's funny, I'm actually really over my shit, I think, and extremely motivated to get back to work on CommLab and Hellsite. Now if the constant fires to put out could chill for like five minutes :) Today I learned that you don't shut off a diesel engine with less than a quarter tank in it.

when you buy a social network and everyone leaves

forever elon

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The hell site