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The state of Israel is now advertising on YouTube to propagate blood libels upon Palestinians in the hope of softening US response to the genocide they intend to now complete. In it, this man stops just short of accusing Gaza of mass gang rape. There is notably no method provided to "report" the ad as is typically available. The slogan below their official seal demonstrates just how incredibly normal this state-market interaction really is! Notably, Putin failed to land the same narrative.

what's my position on voting? being able to choose your enemy represents an advantage. take it.

If you have a problem with this statement, you are not paying attention. State officials are holding nothing back now, calling Palestinians "animals" and undertaking a "complete siege" to starve millions of innocent people. Don't let all the rampant fascism here at home soften you up to that.

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It sounds like the state of Israel is perfectly satisfied in finding reason to complete their ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

If you like city builders, check out Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. I'm looking forward to comparing it to Cities: Skylines 2 on release next week (via Game Pass) because WRSR completely eclipsed the original for me. It's on sale this week and well worth it.

ars technica: we don't know how they did it but google chrome now extracts a pint of blood every time you log on

chrome user, dizzy from blood loss: I swear to god I am like this close to switching to firefox

another chrome user, on the verge of fainting from severe blood loss: no need to resort to that, just switch to [insert today's trendy chrome fork here] and be smart like meeee

the politico nazi apologia piece is a great example of pseudo-nuance

like, the underlying fact of ww2 is that millions and millions of people were party to mass murder and genocide in all kinds of complex ways, and there was absolutely no way they were all gonna get punished for it — not by the western allies, not by the soviets, not by their own neighbors who also did the thing

which gets flexed into "well anyone who wasn't explicitly charged and hanged is pretty much clean"

A new low, even for #Google. Giving Google permission to share information about you with third-party websites is being falsely advertised as an "ad privacy feature". This is privacy washing at its most extreme. But it gets even worse.

There is a dark pattern on the second screenshot. It isn't just informing you about the fake privacy features. Clicking on "Got it" actually turns on these features that allow Google to use your recent browsing history for ads on third-party websites:

LB: truly absurd that Discord was allowing hotlinks all this time tbh; hard to blame them for not trying to also be a free data hosting company. However, it's clear that human society needs to get our communication and archival tools straight so this stuff stops happening -- and that's only possible with the ejection, rejection, and replacement of corporate power and all its compromised "benefits".

This sucks so much. I kept telling numerous people " #discord is NOT a forum, it is an IRC app, stop building your communities in it around stuff that needs to be found with a search engine and archived, it's a bad idea for numerous reasons including the overpopulation of server topics in an app that has a 100 server limit" but nobody listened. I hate being right.

We're about to have yet ANOTHER internet library of alexandria situation assuming this shit retroactively applies to existing stuff.

the tabletop rpg hobby is funny because people will write sprawling "reviews" that don't do anything but summarize shit, and then once in a while someone in a chat will just say a single sentence about a game that completely changes how you understand it

Instead of being intimidated by a dauntingly large project, try breaking it up into small tasks and being totally overwhelmed by them.

To anyone who's been waiting for me to produce something -- whether it's updates for Hellsite or progress on the next major component -- well, my personal life has been a relentless, horrifying, tenaciously prohibitive mess for years now, but things are finally coming around over the next few weeks. And the next developments on the way are -very- exciting. I hope you'll stick around to see what's coming.

By the way you did know that Steam literally sells your unredacted chat DMs to advertisers? Cool huh?

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Really disgusted that I can't play a game on any personal / work computer any more. Loader platforms like Steam, Epic, etc. have turned PC gaming into console gaming because I'm not running any of this spyware garbage on a computer I actually use for anything else. Imagine if Gamerz had a collective spine enough to say, "Buck DRM/adtech or perish" but they want their brand-name drugs *yesterday*. Literally the weakest consumer subgroup of humanity in existence.

Chrome is designed to let google spy on you in order to serve behavioural ads. So it should be no wonder third parties are using it to inject malware into your devices. The only reason these are "exploits" is because someone other than Google, the world's largest advertising company, is using them.

This is incredibly cool. #Firefox adding on-device translation is a huge step forward for #privacy, and eliminates one of the last reasons I had to use a chromium-based browser.

SCOOP: Footage from a food delivery robot in Los Angeles was given to the LAPD and used to secure a criminal conviction, according to internal emails I got using a public records request

This lightning-to-HDMI adapter designed to look like an Apple product is the worst gadget I have ever tested: It demands your location, browsing data, access to photos, and spams you with ads. Requires power and is detected as a "computer."

It's so bad that I am actually impressed a product like this actually exists. These things are actually out there in the wild. Lots of people say they inadvertently bought on Amazon

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The hell site