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One of these batteries is awfully leaky lookin'. Guess it's about time I learned how to maintain/diagnose these things

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You can't even post a linktree to twitter anymore 😂🤣🤣 that website is toast

Don't look now, the cops and the creeps and the climbers are starting to show up! 🤑🤑🤑

I continue not to understand this nonsense affectation, but not because I have another suggestion for "what white people should do" about anything. The only way this space becomes less culturally white is by becoming less demographically white. Whiteness is primarily displaced by nonwhite people. We are notoriously and necessarily incapable of solving these problems ourselves, especially from a position of power -- power which, thankfully, literally anyone can take for themselves. Displace us!!!

It's MAC DAY! I'm live right now going over all the G4s, and I need your help finding them new owners! Follow and share:

Just a few more old PCs to go before I get to the laptops and Macs… had enough yet??

Tune in -- Now we're getting to the more interesting stuff :) The cases onscreen now were featured prominently in Half-Life

📢 Going live at 7:30pm EST 📢
Working on another dozen+ computers over some good music, then putting on a game. Humidity is … just barely acceptable, hope I don't zap anything! You can follow and hit the bell for a ping when it starts -- (PeerTube simulcast returning soon!)

Tonight begins a week full of streaming events -- follow and hit the bell so you don't miss out! Going live right now, until 2am (PeerTube simulcast coming back soon!)

(You miss dunking? Have some dunk, Rich!) Move over dumbasses, here come the identitarian white liberals to show you how Mastodon should be done!!! and pave the way for minorities!! Thank goodness Black people have this unbidden pack of crackers doing vanguard service to accurately and faithfully advance their causes! To bring back … quote tweets, the healthiest feature on Twitter! What we're really missing on this website is maximum conflict.

I love it when dunkposters clearly confess that their brains haven't left Twitter yet and just cannot fathom having the freedom to choose who to interact with.

Looks like Mastodon for iOS doesn't support WEB_DOMAIN correctly, which should display @

Matrix is so embarrassing idk what to do with it sometimes. Been loading just user joins on this room for over a half hour

Getting back in shape…

…I cut the tape just before my fingers exploded

[Rai Thistlethwaite]

Every moment is forever. Thank you Grandma. It's only hard to conceive of a world without you because you made it impossible; this world will never be the same as it was before you arrived. I only wish I had more time to try to describe what an indelible impact you've made.

I realize that, if I could just do whatever I wanted right now, it'd be playing drums. It's been ten years already since I had anything to play on. I'm thinking one of these little fold-up Carlsbro kits is in my future.

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The hell site