Show newer Ah... I should have expected prices to rise. They were all shovelware a few years ago. I think the 9600 and 4670 were good, and the 8800 and 6750 died a lot, but my memory isn't too good on that because I didn't work on iMacs much myself. The GT 120 would be from a 2009 so if you used Leopard 10.5.8 it might work without boot screens. Oh, also, keep in mind you're never going to get boot screens on something that didn't come right out of another G5 XServe, because no other Apple product had MXM cards until EFI64 Macs They used MXM? The G4 just had a riser card, I think for AGP. You probably want to mind which models of card were the ones that **all** failed, like I think some late four-digit nvidias and early HD Radeons did. Don't want to get a reballed card bc the actual chips are bad. I think there are other cards that flooded the market because they were fine but some other part of the imacs all failed the same way

@monosynth oh my god I didn't see this the first time 😂 I hope dogge's feeling better soon!!!!

[ mastodon exclusive content ]

the orange dog — whom u might recall from the taco incident — is fucked up and has to go into the shop next week to get his liver retooled or drained or w/e

Fun fact: the MP3 file format is as old today as 8-track tapes were when MP3 was invented

I'm gonna call em toots because somebody complained about it so now i think it's funny

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So anyway I'm done playing devil's advocate, quote toots are just a thing ya need to have generally, and without the algorithmic driven incentives and discoverability, it shouldn't be nearly as bad as on Twitter

@conte I'm American, I'm still struggling to remember "Keir Starmer" isn't a halfass character name from a canonically distant Star Wars EU novel.

I used to like wearing a watch as a kid, now I can't stand it and it seems impossible to get used to again. I hate having anything strapped to me besides a backpack, really. And having to retreat to my desktop running a TV all the time isn't the most convenient… but my eyes are absolutely done with near work for awhile. If you do a lot of close focus for some reason or another -- say, a full time job's worth of time on the phone -- consider limiting now before it really interrupts your life.

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If you have an (understandable) predisposition to expect ill of someone wearing a smartwatch, make sure you retain the consideration that they may have a disability or some particular need. Using a phone is destroying my eyes, so I need to switch to using a watch like a pager.

I get it, they're expensive for how useless they are to most people, and represent affluence and luxury in public view, but some people actually need them. My secondhand Apple Series 3 is already too old for cell service

I don't want to serve a huge userbase. I don't want to "lead" a community, much less with directness of a steering wheel. I want to build something together with people who are just as committed to self-management as I am. I suppose I'm fortunate that almost nobody's joined all year, so I can still make that decision.

I think Hellsite is going from public to "request an invite" only.

Opinions about those terrible red "Look at me" badges on apps 

@researchfairy Oh, but *this* one is FOREVER

There's a Mastodon instance for people who want to toot in Esperanto.

I'm old enough to remember when Yahoo! Groups unceremoniously nuked every single LGBT mailing list overnight, leaving people completely untethered from communities they had relied on and loved. When that happened, we got angry at Yahoo!. And yet when people flee from Twitter, anger is directed at those "defectors". Twitter is not a country, and we were not its citizens. It is a corporation. If Twitter is driving people away, it's Twitter's fault. It's not our job to fix it. #noxp

How to ban 3600 books from school libraries

This year, at least 102 books have been removed from the shelves of school libraries in Clay County, Florida. Many of these books were pulled at the request of one man: Bruce Friedman. . . Friedman said he had compiled "a list of over 3,600 titles that I believe have concerning content"...One is The Girl From The Sea, about a 15-year-old girl who develops romantic feelings for another girl. There is no sex, and no nudity.

The Flickr Foundation is a new nonprofit organization "dedicated to keeping the wonderful Flickr collection around for 100 years". The Flickr Commons is one of the best things on the internet and I'm glad they're building on it.

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