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racial pseudo-science? no, we will not be going back to 1935 with this

transphobia and homophobia? no, we will not be going back to 1935 with this

they hate it. they cry about it. they're a little bit scared.

some of the greatest tragedies of our age are built on the fact that they aren't scared _enough_, though.

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people act like the left is all about loosey-goosey relativism, but they go apeshit every time we act like a question is settled and the answer is "no, we will not be going back to 1935 with this"

This makes no implications of instances with moderation regimes that fit their own particular needs, or see themselves as networking differently; every instance needn't seek the most connectivity possible. There is every reason to maintain a portion of the network that is defederated with mastodon .social, the largest instance, because maximal connection is not even desirable to many people with every right to use AP how they want. It's just a collective material requirement to improve the net.

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If an instance has got fifty people on it who interact a lot with each other, and one of them is a miserable piece of shit, well, if the instance doesn't repel them, it's a lot easier to see 50 people having personal responsibility for failing to consider the behavior of a member they almost certainly know, than it would be to hold 5,000 or 50,000 people responsible (blocked and inaccessible to your users) for the moderation team's decisions about a person they may never have any connection to.

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I'm generally against no-trust systems, as an ideological pursuit, but building your systems toward outcomes that would otherwise be reliant on good individual behavior can get a lot of important things done with minimal risk or imposition. This is why I feel large instances are unsustainable on this platform. Sharing an instance with another person -- anyone -- means sharing liability for that person with all the other users. It's not just about moderation; instance blocks silence everyone.

I forgot to post what is perhaps the most ominous that crossed my feed

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I'm shitting myself posting this even without any relevant "guilt" to speak of. I have literally no userbase here on Hellsite, and I'm exactly as racist as any other white person on Earth is fated to be despite even the utmost possible effort or insight. But I've had some experience with abuse in my life and I know what I'm seeing here. Grievous accusations built on flippant, wildly reductive second-order conclusions should throw off red flags for anyone. This can't be how we redistribute power.

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Look me in the eye and tell me this person has a pattern of good-faith collaborative public safety work that you feel confident lending your name to support in public. Please. Not just reblogs, not toeing the line. Please explain to me how the pattern here is healthy, and why you're so sure it won't come around to hurting you. Are you comfortable with building a precedent that powerful instance coalitions with figureheads like these should micromanage your every moderation or policy decision?

Racism is so confusing, isn't it? It's okay! I've got the answers for you! I can save you from your whiteness!

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The correct derogatory would be "queer whiteness" anyway, but these dipshits don't even know how to not viciously slander themselves in the process of whipping their sorry crew into shape. after all, i am trashgarbage uwu, amirite

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Really what could be more nauseating than white queers foaming at the mouth about "white queerness"? If they learned *anything* about anti-racism, the first thing would have been to check the virtue signaling ethic at the door and boost the voices who made the critique. The vacuous deference usually advocated by these posts works precisely against any meaningful operationalization of standpoint epistemology, and instead implies mysterious, unaccountable, versatile dogmatic powers for themselves.

PSA: take some time in 2023 to back up your/your family's CD-Rs (and other recordable media) full of memories you threw into storage 10+ years ago; there's a decent chance they've started to rot!

the tenuously thin layer of dyes/adhesives holding the data *will* break down over time, rapidly so if their environment is uncontrolled, the surface was previously nicked/contaminated, or they were cheap ones to begin with

What fresh hell is this? Adobe has opted me in to letting them train their algorithms on my photos? That’s the end of me using their cloud storage for anything, ever. #privacy #adobe #lightroom #LightroomMobile

Thrilled to hear Zenimax Studios has unionized. Will have to fire up ESO for the first time in months to celebrate

Excuse me dear retailer, what you have here is "a giant pile of high-effort, low-density steel scrap"

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there is literally no more useless function on this planet than ewaste processors plucking CPUs out of OEM computers just to [maybe] make an extra $10 so the next person has to put one back in

we don't speak of the ones who remove motherboards and sell empty proprietary chassis as "barebones"

The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal loaves of bread. - Anatole France


Starting today it will be a crime to sleep on state-owned land in Missouri. That includes streets, parks and underneath bridges and overpasses. You will be fined $750 and face 15 days in jail.


Get ready for the propaganda initiative in which Mastodon will be labeled a site for “groomers” and “pedophiles.” It’s the least creative messaging imaginable, but you know it’s only a matter of time before we hear it coming from Elon, Fox, Daily Wire, etc. FWIW, Human Events is a right wing rag with roots that stretch back to the Goldwater conservatism of the early 1960s. It was Reagan’s favorite source of information.

after the opportunistic micropolitical fediblocking we've seen out of instances like weirder dot space, it should be clear to all this bare method of collaboration is worse than vulnerable, it is just begging for abuse and we have to do better.

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The hell site