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This website provides the full back archive of BYTE magazine, all 23 years of it from 1975 to to 1998. It's a treasure trove of vintage tech and nostalgia, not even carries all the issues.

The site actually focuses on old Apple magazines, but has also PC magazines and other resources on the history of microcomputing.

#retrocomputing #magazines

Suicide mention 

Ten years ago, #AaronSwartz died by suicide following a prolonged and relentless crusade by the U.S. judiciary to prosecute him for allegedly downloading academic articles.

After his death, @freedomofpress took over maintenance of the open source whistleblower submission platform he had been developing, now called SecureDrop, hoping to get news orgs to adopt it. It's now used by dozens of news outlets worldwide.

Thank you, Aaron. ❤️ We are honored to carry on your legacy.

"The human being is in the most literal sense a political animal not merely a gregarious animal, but an animal which can individuate itself only in the midst of society. Production by an isolated individual outside society ... is as much of an absurdity as is the development of language without individuals living together and talking to each other."

-English Thread-
My current embroidery project is a series about The Sentinel video game (created by Geoff Crammond) in its #ZXSPectrum version.
I selected an area in particular among the many levels of the game and tried to reproduce every pixel of it in a 55x46 cm canevas. The series will eventually consist in 13 needlepoint.
Hope you’ll enjoy.

#needlepoint #embroidery #broderie #art #embroideryart

"Introducing Ring Car Cam!"

now i'm gonna remind folks that everyone's threat profile is different and my security decision-making is not right for everyone, but there is no fucking way you should give Amazon direct access to your driving habits, GPS location, OBD-II port, *and* place a microphone in your car to boot.

all over an LTE connection you do not control.

Unfortunately I've torn a muscle in my eye again so the phone is banned from my sight for awhile. I wish more people used voice and video chat because text becomes inaccessible to me frequently now. I'll be mostly on Discord for now -- invite code 97Qryuu

I have this one account with a bank that requires specific characters that others don't, forbids characters that others require, and rejects any of your ten last used passwords.

I have logged in properly to this account exactly once, four years ago when I created it. Never again

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If you're building a web system and your password complexity requirements forbid users from reusing any of their ten last used passwords, especially if reqs also mismatch with prevailing practices, understand that you are condemning every single user who doesn't use a password manager to "Forgot Password" on EVERY LOGIN until the end of time. I'm not creating a new mnemonic for that piece of shit, and so I'm probably not paying the bills timely either when the reset facility interrupts me!

Apparently, lifting heavy weights produces far less beneficial strengthening effects than *lowering* them?

"Those who only lowered a weight saw the same improvements as those who raised and lowered weights—despite only performing half the number of repetitions... 'eccentric' muscle contractions—in which activated muscles are lengthened—is more important to increasing strength and size of muscles, than volume." #weightlifting #exercise #gym


#OtD 9 Jan 1973 in Durban, South Africa, workers at the Coronation Brick & Tile factory went on strike. Roughly 100,000 mainly Black African workers were striking, and succeeded in doubling wages and worked towards racially mixed trade unions


Instead of saying "come to mastodon" link the person to a thread here where they would totally want to jump in and join the conversation.

"we were just talking about this here: ***link*** -- could really. use a perspective like yours."

It gives people a starting point and some people who are active and who they'd want to follow.

My answer is yes and yes; as someone with a lifetime of GI maladies, I've come to know the meaning of years of torture in silence unaided by flippant or clueless doctors. In fact, it's possible the only reason I'm alive today is that some regular people demanded the science and practice finally advance on the 1980s lipid model that gave us all fat-free diets and type 2 diabetes. I've been through many things like this and I get the feeling it's more common than most would expect.

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Do you have a disenfranchised medical struggle -- a real, long-term problem that seriously affects your quality of life but nobody would ever talk about in public? Has its disenfranchisement affected the quality of healthcare available to you?

Color me terribly ungrateful that my home state of New Jersey, with tight restrictions, high taxes, no small competition, and absolutely no home grow provisions, has legalized cannabis **only for rich people**.

Plus, I can't figure out wtf I'm paying up to $60/3.5oz for if the dispensary can't keep sativas in stock. Just piles of DOZENS of indicas and hybrids, and MAYBE one or two sativas. GTFO

Two years after Donald Trump's ignominious failure of a coup attempt, we recommend this text about why it was a godsend to the state as a way to change the subject from popular revolt to the preservation of normalcy.

"Counting on the state to hold the threat of fascism at bay leaves us in an extremely vulnerable position. It’s not unthinkable that at some point, a far-right coup will succeed, at least in some parts of the country, and we—not just anti-fascists, but all people of good conscience—will find that our concerted action is the only thing that stands between us and the establishment of an even more authoritarian society. That is precisely what happened in Spain in 1936."

If you’re outraged about Adobe sending your pictures off their servers (you should be), please know other vendors do this too. That horse has already bolted.

Eg Microsoft Edge automatically sends your key presses in Edge to MS - enabled by default

Microsoft Office 365 sends every photo and screenshot you add in Word, PowerPoint etc (including in emails) to Microsoft 365 Intelligent Services without prompt

A growing, now media-adopted neoliberal, ethnonationalist conception of progressive identity politics threatens those prospects today, and I see it gripping many leftists otherwise committed to real systems change. I wish I could articulate this better, but every application is fraught and I'm trying to focus on a pattern here. We have some self-critique to do as a left movement of our ability to place ourselves within it, and among others, and learning what it really means to include everyone.

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Reject competitive, nationalist projects in all their forms. Enterprise instead to build on solidarity. There is no negotiation that will ever yield egalitarian results like collaboration, between people of common interests and sane priorities. This pattern itself must compete with nationalism, but it will win, because solidarity for socialists is not simply a commitment to material bonds. It is transcendant of nations without any loss of their full content or character. A synthesis.

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The hell site