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@jackofalltrades @escarpment @magitweeter

Capitalism is *ideologically* predicated on the idea that it consists of nothing more than free individuals voluntarily engaging in production and exchange using their private property.

The sleight of hand is that “private property” is a property mode that has only ever existed, and can only exist, as a product of state violence. Landlords can only extract rent from their tenants because that landlord can call up sheriff’s deputies to evict those tenants into homelessness, and all of the harms that entails, at gunpoint.

So we end up with constant, massive state intervention in the economy on behalf of capital owners—police who protect private property, registrars who survey and record ownership rights, courts that adjudicate those rights, copyrights and patents and trademarks, banks deputized to monopolize money production, direct state subsidies and indirect tax subsidies, zoning laws and licensing regimes that create barriers to market entry, enclosure of commons, debtors prisons, etc etc forever—which all becomes invisible as “state involvement” or “central planning.” So when we debate “state intervention,” we end up debating only those instances where the state intervenes to temper the worst excesses of the capital class.

Time for DNS to propagate normally: a couple minutes, go make a cup of coffee or something

Time for DNS to propagate after fixing a typo in a record: The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again

We definitely need to build more tools for publicly accountable collaboration in online community moderation, but shared blocklists are anything but this. I don't support those projects and none of mine will implement that uniformly perilous convention.

“Placing HEPA air filters into classrooms in the Bradford area of the UK reduced the number of covid-19-related absences among students by more than 20 per cent”

Clean air works. Why are we not doing this more?

Characterizations by analysts seem accurate that the whole process appears specifically designed to incite the present ground invasion. There never would have been any hope for resistance. There's no way they could anticipate some broad coalition of spontaneous defense given the opening event. The best case for their motives is that they're accelerationist terrorists; it's just nothing short of insane. Am I missing something here?

Or have we in fact seen Netanyahu's direct investments mature?

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I just can't figure out why Hamas would make this kind of horrifying, instantly galvanizing provocation at a time when their ostensible adversaries were losing support and resistance was growing amid institutional destruction. You would think anybody who intended to preserve Gaza would let Netanyahu fall on his domestic-political sword. I would call the decision suicidal if it wasn't for Hamas leadership situated comfortably offsite free to tender instead the suffering of Gazans to their agenda.

counter-strike 2? i started with counter strike beta 2.0 kiddo. burst fire glocks on cs_alley ... attack ships on fire off the shoulder of orion

the only problem is that as far as I know, anyone who possesses your genetic material in or on some object handled in the course of business, without a specific disclaimer, is often perfectly free to do forensic analysis on it. And in some US states like Texas, last I checked, police are often able to draw blood during detention without alcoholic probable cause, etc. Genetic data is not easily kept secret but people deserve the privacy of many impracticalities of extracting it.

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LB: i suppose that's a bit mean to those affected, but seriously, don't willingly hand over your genetic data to some corporation

hopefully public & medical institutions charged with it do better

If you have a 23andMe profile, it is possible that you have been affected by their latest data breach. Just to be safe, you should take a minute now to change your DNA.

And don't let me sound like I minimize the event; there is no question that Hamas decided to open this war with an unthinkably brutal civilian slaughter and capture, and this time on the scale of the deliberately "10x" death toll the apartheid state typically wreaks upon Palestinian civilians, as well as opening a major territory conflict beyond 1949 borders. That is an undeniable provocation Netanyahu & co. are openly salivating to be forced to respond to.

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Clearly, when you want to make a final colonial usurpation of a population under your complete control, the most efficient method is to force them into a corner with the worst representation and power dynamics possible, place them under mortal strain indefinitely, wait for somebody to crack, then exercise collective punishment.

I should remind you that Bibi said right out loud that Israel was funding Hamas in order to guarantee there would *never* be a unified, effective Palestine.

My pain tolerance really hasn't been up to the way the last few weeks have gone.

Sure, he bit my basic idea, but he's completely missing the point.

The kind of deep cringe like when I haven't produced k8s fedi admin docs yet and then hear about instances wiped out by simple mistakes I'd have amply cautioned against

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Pure agony watching so many people lose their social networks overnight and knowing I still won't be delivering my answer to this problem for weeks yet

Things really suck right now but there is so much to look forward to.

And because afaik the United States does not actually regard Palestine as a state, and its embattled status and existence, as well as the notable void of any recognized legal military defense power, there is no method to provide material aid the way western powers did for Ukraine. Public understanding is so poor that even after openly describing their final solution, I fear the neocolonial fascists could be validated in their brazen decision that they can pull it off.

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The difference is important -- the world recognized immediately that was a massively disproportionate war, and it was. This time we're talking about an apartheid system that allows Israel to simply turn off the food, water, and electricity for nearly three million innocent people, ordering the entirety of their colonized victim populations to vacate their home cities or be considered combatants. Israel has always made an open policy of "taking ten for every one". They promise abject horror.

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In fact, the parallels are striking -- generalizing problematic factions (for him, "Nazis", for them, "Hamas") that their pressure created and empowered to sell a breach of treaty/sovereignty, using the fluctuation of general bilateral tension as a legitimacy ratchet, vaguely horrifying and completely unverifiable accusations of crime against humanity, taking advantage of the obscurity of their opponent, middle-period national claims to someone else's land reborn in ascendant fascism…

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