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"Let's make an audio tape and a floppy disk from scratch!" - part 7.

In this chapter: gamma-Fe2O3 synthesis (finally?!), floppy prototype 4 and 5, gamma-Fe2O3 audio tape, notes on longevity of tapes produced this way. Stay tuned, unroll the thread!

It is probably going to be the last report for the time being, as I am convinced that my little experiments prove that an audio tape and even a poor diskette-like storage can be made with things that are more or less commonly available or easily obtainable in a craft supply store. If I were a real tape/disk inventor, this where I'd stop doing crazy experiments, and start to work on replicating the results and gradually improving them.

If this is the first thread in the series you see, check out the other ones - there's a list at


Hey folks. I just want to say; just because you’re vaccinated against Covid, doesn’t mean you won’t get it and it won’t hit you HARD.

I was vaccinated only a couple of months ago, and as of yesterday I’ve had a 101f fever, my skin hurts, I cannot stop sweating, ridiculously fatigued, and my nose is like a tap. It’s also seemed to have caused an arthritis flare, and my hands are all swollen, and my back hurts so much.

Wear a goddamn mask please.

Wow, apparently denying south Gazan hospitals fuel for their generators is more important than saving the Israeli hostages. Fascinating priorities on display by the State of Israel as the bulldozers roll in to level their fresh liebensraum.

Stop making excuses for your abusers and run.

A lill while ago, I found out that I had been disconnected from a friend of mine, as the server I was on, had defederated from the server her was on. Thing is, I had no idea this had happened until he contacted me elsewhere.

I started toying with the idea of making a lill tool to notice when these things happened.

Trunkfriends is the result of this idea.

An alpha version, that I have been using a bit now and seem to work quite ok, will be put out next week.

Follow this account for updates.

Whew, Observer's profile on Craig Newmark is unflatteringly dull. He sounds insufferable and I can't figure out why I'm supposed to care what he does with his uhh, simultaneously "frugal" and "sizeable fortune" while he tenders ransomware as a weak contribution to worn-out US national security narratives.

If you finally found the solution to your coding problem in a deep comment or something after having dozens of tabs open, you should write about it in your own blog.

Really. Describe the problem in your own words and the solution for it, even if the solution seems really obvious now. Doesn’t matter. Give credit and whatever, but use your own words because you will be surprised at how many people will land on it.

Write the blog post you wish you had found.

1. To opinions! Solar is the cheapest source of bulk electricity in many countries, and the quickest to deploy, and now you couldn't stop it being built if you wanted to.

The limits to PV build in most places are grid access, permitting, and sometimes installation labour.

2. We don’t need a solar technology breakthrough. Today, solar developers just need a grid connection and permission to sell electricity, and then they’ll be off building solar plants whether it’s a good idea or not.

Israeli governmental figures are outright calling for a second Nakba now. (Birdsite link.)

Gotta say, It sure feels like Twitch is doing their level best to waste random gift subs. At least a half dozen I've received in the last few months have occurred when I wasn't watching the channel, in fact this one just popped several days after I *unfollowed* the channel when the guy was snippy with me for no reason. Some of them have been dispensed literally the moment I tuned in to a channel I ultimately found no interest in.

I only do subs for Subtember since Amazon doesn't take their cut.

Experiencing entheogenic levels of serendipity as usual

I'm grateful for everyone who's wanted to stay connected throughout all the platform upheaval, and I'm so ready to put an end to all that nonsense with my next project. I am absolutely burning to get back to work next week.

Holy shit.

(Speaking of the near-unfathomable profitability of the surveillance business model, take a min to contemplate what the ability to pay tens of billions to cement their dominant position means vis-a-vis the revenue that dominant position redounds to Google.)

📢 The EU Parliament will not be moving forward with chat control! The indiscriminate mass surveillance measures have been removed and secure end-to-end encryption will not be compromised! 🥳

💪Let's keep pushing for strong privacy rights!👇
#chatcontrol #eu #privacy #datenschutz #encryption #politics #goodnews

Gotta get through this next week so I can finish fixing Hellsite and get back to work on the big new thing.

The shocking completeness of devastation by the Israeli invasion is best described as a thorough demolition. And you know they have fleets of bulldozers ready to go. Today's question is:

Will the world grant Israel its coveted "liebensraum"?

I condemn the present American-Israeli scapegoat revenge massacre in the strongest possible terms; they seek only to outdo Hamas in the scale of carnage wrought upon innocent civilians. You need only take the words straight from the mouths of the State of Israel -- they very directly and specifically call the Palestinian people "animals" who should be swept from the land, equating all nearly-three-million of them with terrorists. They are deliberately striking hospitals and journalists. Wake up.

UNRWA chief Lazzarini is asked about the unsubstantiated assertions that casualty numbers in Gaza aren’t credible:

He says they’ve always been considered credible [nb: including by US state Dept] & that “no one ever really challenged these figures.” In a sad note, he says that compared to the overall population, they also correspond with the share of UN staff in his org who have been killed by the IDF in the last 2 weeks: with 57 staff killed, "we have more or less the same percentage"

Wanna get depressed? Try looking up advice and resources for programmers who are blind. You'll get nothing but slickly-produced magical success stories about the one blind programmer at Microsoft or Google whose basic daily carryings-on look (sound) positively superhuman, and absolutely nothing to guide you to even the most basic function for yourself. Have fun with Narrator, somehow.

I'll be very lucky if my eyes ever stop doing this ... thing. For now it seems like I need to buy a projector.

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